к видео есть маленькая предыстория. я вставлю на английском. у девушки инглиш не родной, так что, думаю, будет хорошо понятно. хотя я сама ещё не читала.
предысторияStory about meeting Les Twins for the second time- it'll be in every video's description (sorry if it's too long):
First I have to say that I'm really shy person so I didn't talk to them or ask any questions (maybe next year if they'll come).
I arrived at FPDC 30 minutes before workshop, I was first in line. After about 20 minutes I heard voice that I recognized: it was Lau in his diva mode and he was riding the bike that Larry won last night.
(Now imagine his voice in diva mode) He was almost crushing into us and saying: "excuse me". He got almost hit by door that lead to the bathroom/restroom so what he did? He pushed the door back so the person couldn't get out and he just entered the room that workshop will take place.
I must admit that the hall was very small so that was bad idea to ride a bike here...
But I finally get in that room and that's when I stated to record. Larry was late... But when he arrived he asked Lau why he took his (golden) bike. Lau said that Larry won that bike for him and it's now his bike.
Then they looked at pictures showing who is teaching this year. They recognized only 3 people and guess who was one of the dancers they recognized? They pointed at each other...
They asked us if the workshop was for 2 hours or 1 hour and if there is a workshop after them. When people said no they said that they could stay longer (They should stayed with us for 1 hour and 15 minutes but they stayed for 2 hours).
The workshop started, they did warm-up and splited people into two groups. As you know I was watching Lau's group. I don't think I have it on my phone but Lau looked at me for maybe 2 seconds and he smiled. My heart was beating even faster if that was possible.
Then he took off his jacket, some girls were clapping, so Lau said: "there is noting to look at" (I can't agree with this).
And why I didn't record the whole workshop? One girl/woman from the staff said that I can't record here... I was suprised cause before some of organisators from Fair Play Crew was walking near me and said nothing. So I was still recording small parts but I was trying to hide it...
Then Salah came and was watching them, he had great idea: when Lau didn't noticed he stole his bike and started to ride in the whole room. They saw this and started laughing with people.
After that they continued the workshop. It was time for Larry' s group to dance. It was amazing choreography!
Then Lau's group was about to perform. Lau saw that cameraman was trying to record but he didn't have place to do it so he walk few steps back and said in his diva voice: "No problem. Anything for you".
Then it was time for freestyle. When Larry was freestyling he looked at me, directly in my eyes. I was so into this that I forgot to keep camera on him so there is like 10 seconds of this. He was still looking into my eyes and into camera for maybe 5 more seconds.
It was the end of workshop but I had something for them (only sweets form Poland but you know I didn't know what to buy them). First I gave it to Larry. I couldn't believe that he was so close to me. I could barely speak but I said that this is for him and this is sweets from Poland. He was so happy that he almost jumped and he hugged me (I was focusing to not faint).
Then it was time for Lau. I had to asked Eleni to call him cause he was talking to someone. When I gave him this he said that he'll be full of energy tonight. After this I left the room and we (me and other people) were waiting for pictures.
(Now it'll be story that I wrote on Instagram) After about 20 minutes Larry almost crushed into us with his bike and asked what are we waiting for. He said that they're not doing pictures tonight but tomorrow. Everyone was disapointed.
When he said this little boy came and asked him if he can sign something. He said yes so I gave him photo to sign too (and he signed it, yay!).
Then Lau came and argue with Larry about pictures. Larry asked him if he really wants to do this twice- tonight and tomorrow. Lau said that he didn't care. So Larry agreed and said that they're taking quick selfies. We won!!!
That's it, I was really tired but I couldn't stop thinking about my this. Now I see that it's so long, I'm sorry for that.
и ещё две штучки, спасибо olga 2610