Earlier, I mentioned that we’ve been given more time until we can release our edit of the Twins and the Ballerinas, so we decided to dive into doing more with the edit. I have a super cool After Effects editor working on something from NYC, and I am working on another piece myself, which I showed to my 21 year-old very musical son yesterday. His exact words, “This is SICK. These guys are GENIUS.” Then he said, “Mom, you could sell that for a million dollars.” I’m not sure who’s going to pay us a million dollars for this video, but I am pretty sure he’s right about the sick and genius parts. And in the meantime, Les Twins are coming to SFJazz for a truly epic show and battle on July 3rd. F3F is a sponsor! Hope to see you there! www.sfjazz.org/events/les-twins