<=== Laurent - Larry ===>
Facial features:читать дальшеLarrys nose tip is longer
Larrys upper lip is fuller (not on this pic tho, for some reason)
Laus jaw line and chin is narrower
Laus nose is straighter
Larry has “bunny teeth”Facial expressions:читать дальшеLarry has a cute boyish smile
Lau has the bedroom eyes
Larry always smiles on arranged photos (lau does not)
Lau does the elvis lip thing on the left side, Larry on the rightГолосчитать дальшеУ Ларри голос нижеРодинкичитать дальшеУ Лорана на животе и на подбородке слева
У Ларри на обеих щекахClothes:читать дальшеLarry is always dressed up with clean, proper clothes, often with a colorful t-shirt, dark sleeve on his right forearm
Lau has a more relaxed style, with daker colors, wears tank tops (thank you!)Jewelery:читать дальшеLarry has a black leather wristlet over his black sleeve, mixed bracelets on his left wrist, sometimes watches
Lau has the big beaded bracelets, sometimes a matching necklace. They both have rings on their left hand. Larry wears two on his middle finger and Lau wears one on the middle finger and one on the ring finger. I have never seen Lau wear rings on his right hand (опа, а я вот не заметила такого). Larry does tho. On his right ring finger. Both wear Jordan earrings. Left side, right side, both sides.. no difference there..Татуировки:читать дальшеУ Ларри на левом предплечье, у Лорана - на правом.Personality (My own perception and opinion):читать дальшеLarry is the cutiepie with boyish charm. Always smiling. He’s more professional and takes their committments very seriously. He still plays around, but is quick to turn serious when ever there’s a grown up needed in the room.
Lau is the crazy, sexy, sassy one. Totally out of control and can never be still, always moving. In my opinion he’s the leader of the two. He lets Larry handle things when he knows he would do a better job than himself. He is very outspoken and a bit of a social butterfly. He also seems to be the “trubbled one” with a wondering mind.Dance styles:читать дальшеWell, to put it simple, their dance styles reflects their personality.
Larry is more controlled and restricted to his special style and more funky. He’s the one with “the magic legs”. Always does the cutes faces to enhance his moves.
Lau… omg, Lau.. He’s all over the place basically. He does ballet, modern, jazz, hip hop, dancehall, top rock, vougeing and even breaks sometimes. All in a beautiful mix, with a graceful flow and with his own style.
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