Перевод с ютъюба (переводить, вроде, смысла нет, вопросы простые, а ответы - одни имена и названия)):
читать дальшеYouval : What's your favorite movie? Larry : I don't think I have a favourite but I'll say... Lau: Four brothers ! Larry: Four Brothers !
Youval : Your favourite french event? Lau: "Rue au Grand Palais" in 2008 (urban french event), the biggest street of the wolrd and the Juste Debout.
Y: Your favorite recent B-boy? Lau: B boy Cloud Larry : Lilou Lau : It's our favourite
Y: So there are Red and Bull, next to each other ! LT : exactly !
Y: Your best tv serie? Lau: well it didn't show up yet. Larry: For me it's the The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Lau: Yes, I think we'll keep this one.
Y: Your favourite foreign event? Lau: The billboards awards (Lau had some difficulties to say it lol), Béyoncé Larry: Same.
Y: Your favourite old school dancer? Lau: Mathias Larry: Playmo
Y: Your fav drink? Larry: Haa Vaval Tropic. It's from The Caribbean *with a caribbean accent*...and soda!
Y: Your best jury? Lau: How many do you need me to list?
Y: Whathever you want, it's your moment! Lau: Bruce Ykanji, Pilok, Kaik
Y: It seems that it's the jury who made you won at the Juste Debout... just kidding Lau: Bruce never was a jury there..and a last one.. Larry: Me! Lau: Alaaaa this is great ! My brother
Y: The best b boying poster you saw? From a battle you enjoyed or from a 1000% if you like? Lau: Junior!
Y: For me it's the best too. Fav MC? Larry : Youval and Larry Playmo. Lau: Youval, Playmo, and another one...he's kinda fat from the US.
Y: Mc Trix? Lau: I think yes
Y: Your best friends? LT : The Criminalz Crew Larry: They are the best friends ever
Y: Your best "Debout" (standing meaning no bboy) dancer? LT: *showing eachother*
Y: Oh it's beautiful LT: No it's true
Y: Your fav battle in "Debout" dance? Lau: These days? Larry: Waydy vs Kefton
Y: From Sarcelles right? Larry: Yes Lau: I liked the battle Amour vs Diablo
Y: Your fav DJ? Lau: French?
Y: As you want Larry: Dj Yugson is really good and Dj Alpach
Y: Your fav female dancer? Larry : Laura Lau : My sister
Y: Fav cartoon? Larry : Bulldogs (not sure about this one I don't know it lol)
Y: One last word? Larry: Think about us because we are coming back!